la Bella Napoli - Waddan Food & Stuff

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La Bella Napoli
The tomato is integral to so many classic Italian dishes. In fact, it’s hard to imagine the country’s cuisine without it, and different types have different culinary uses.
Plum (or paste) tomatoes are first choice for sauces because they have thick, meaty flesh, fewer seeds, less juice, and thicker skins, which makes them comparatively easy to peel. Commercially, they are usually tinned or used for passata.
  • Plum or round tomatoes that have been peeled, vapour cooked and packed in juice
  • Whole canned tomatoes are used in sauces or stews
  • They are the freshest tasting canned tomato product
  • Tomatoes are “whole” therefore need to be cooked, therefore yield is reduced from cooking process
La bella Napoli

2 Amer Bin Malek , Khelda
Habawal Commercial Complex
Amman, Jordan
Tel: +962 790046952
Waddan Foodstuffs Co.

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